
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Community Christmas Celebration at the Austin Public Library

Score: Superstar Choir 1, Grinch 0. We won, of course; well, more like everybody won (except the Grinch, of course). A variety of factors conspired to make this event not even happen this year, but in the end, it all came together. Lots of folks showed up at the library this year to get in the holiday spirit with the Superstar Choir. I even saw one of my former Ortega students there who is now a few inches taller than me -- and I'm not short! The kids enjoyed performing for an audience of family, friends, familiar, and unfamiliar faces, then having some food (maybe someone will send me some pics of the food table -- it was pretty impressive!), doing some craft activities, having pictures taken with Santa, then getting back home with their homework already done -- yeah, 'cause like most times when we have a performance trip on a school night, it was Superstar Choir "homework club" in the music room before we left. This year, I think all of the choir members stayed at school from dismissal until we left at 6:30. Somewhere in that span of time, about a dozen pizzas showed up and were devoured -- good thing we get lots of exercise with all the singing, stomping, and clapping we do!